For a while now, access to information has been a necessity for our existence; our reliance and dependence on right information, at all times, through technological devices, has turned processors into umbilical-cords for contemporary humans. Their constructs change with lightning speed and their intricacies evolve into ever-so-clever and truly functional concepts.
As a fine-arts-trained person lacking the perspective of an engineer, I feel an overwhelming need to explore and get more familiar with the structures and possibilities of technological devices: I tend to be mystified by the complex and sound design of a computer processor. By dissecting and re-assembling the chip (core/cell of a computer’s brain) via painting, I seek to understand its potential through visual analysis, and exhibit the interesting visual consistency, unity, symmetry, and texture I find in the circuitry.
My paintings portray the micro-circuit: its physicality and (to me) an appealing pictorial strength. I strive to turn these portraits into beautiful and visually powerful macro-objects. In doing so, I seek to assign a certain significance to a chip beyond just its functionality, and use my artistic practice to marvel the importance of science for the existence of contemporary society.
I paint on slim-profiled Aluminum, or plexiglass, with transparent acrylic medium and paint. Aluminum (or plexiglass) support resembles the silicon board/base of the chip. I use the acrylic medium mixed with pigments to cover the chosen surface with a thick, transparent glaze mimicking the factory based silicon layering. Similarly to factory “stamping” process, I transfer the chosen chip design onto the acrylic glaze film exposing the sections and channels. The channels have a networked appearance, resembling the micro-wires of the chip-circuitry. After coloring of these sections and channels, the work becomes a large painted image of the miniature conductors of the circuit.
2005 MFA Painting, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
2002 BFA Drawing/Painting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
November – December 2019, Electric Dreams 3.0.1
May Mobility LLC, Ann Arbor, MI
October 2019, Electric Dreams 3.0
Ferris State University Gallery, Big Rapids, MI
September – October 2010, Electric Dreams 2.0
Chelsea Center for the Arts, Chelsea, MI
February – March 2007, Microchips
Pfizer Connections Gallery, Ann Arbor, MI
October 2006, Clublife
Studio 4, Ann Arbor, MI
April 2006, Art & Science
Design and Manufacturing Alliance Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
December 2005, Electric Dreams
Ford Gallery, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
October – December 2022, Life in the Abstract: Washtenaw Community College Faculty Exhibition Washtenaw Community College Gallery, Ann Arbor, MI
October 2018, Updates: Henry Ford College Faculty Exhibition
Sisson Gallery, Henry Ford College, Dearborn, MI
February – March 2015, Inside Information: Henry Ford College Faculty Exhibition
Sisson Gallery, Henry Ford College, Dearborn, MI
October 2013, Fall Collection: Washtenaw Community College Faculty Exhibition
Gallery One, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI
March – April 2010, …ism
Keystone Gallery, Ypsilanti, MI
February 2003, Washtenaw Community College Faculty Exhibition
Gallery One, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI
May 2002, Transformations II
Media Union Gallery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
2011 – Present, Adjunct Fine Art Faculty
Department of Fine Arts and Fitness, Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, MI
Fall 2008, Fall 2013 Interim Full-Time Fine Art Faculty
Department of Humanities and Fine Arts, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI
2002 – Present, Adjunct Fine Art Faculty
Department of Humanities and Fine Arts, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI
September 2004 – December 2005, Lecturer
Department of Art, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI